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2021 - Today Dontnod

Narrative expert.​​

  • ​Reviewing the narrative on 7 projects.

  • Identifying issues and inconsistencies between every narrative elements.

  • Writing clear feedback and suggestions about these issues.

  • Guiding core teams to resolve these concerning points.

  • Preparing and analyzing playtests.

  • Benchmarking and analyzing video games market.

  • Coordinating narrative teams and publishing.

  • Organizing lore documentation update​s.

    • Worked on giving perspective to moral choices on Gerda: A flame in winter.

    • Worked on rewriting Harmony: the fall or reverie after identifying the many plot holes.

    • Worked on the link between lore, environmental storytelling and themes for Jusant.

      • Now working on:

        • Koira.

        • Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

        • And other upcoming projects.


 2020 - 2021

Game design Master's degree



Associate producer internship​​

  • Ensuring milestone deliverables were met.

  • Evaluating and providing feedbacks on these milestones to make sure they were tracking to schedule and the scope of the project.

  • Participating in workshops with developers to set the scope and tone, give feedback and ideas on game design, narrative design, art direction...

  • Organizing and documenting meetings.

  • Mainly working on Park Beyond. 


Scriptwriting professional training


2010 - 2020

Documentary director and writer


Film-making Master's degree.

  • Investigating and researching social issues.

  • Casting characters.

  • Writing the different sequences.

  • Shooting and interviewing.

  • Writing.

  • Editing.

  • Presenting on live stage.

  • I keep many skills from that experience (Problem-solving, organizational, communication skills...)

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