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Writing Samples

Reclamation introduction Screenplay


Reclamation is a gameplay focused metroidvania project by Hat Hair Games. When I joined them, the creative director only had a vague idea of the story and characters. I wrote the introduction sequence and gave the playable character a narrative objective and a personality. (More info here)

Every sample below are about a world I imagined: HimminHvalur.


What is left of humanity is scattered on small islands. Beaten by waves, crushed by winds, bitten by cold, the small village of Eldey is starving as fishes have vanished. Word is HimminHvalur, the legendary, mysterious but most dangerous whale, is responsible for these evils. Alone on his boat, investigating the night sky, exploring the depths’ darkness, young Sæll will explore the enigmatic past of the ocean, find the whale, save his island. 

Mission description


The main mission (Finding HimminHvalur) and a secondary mission (Finding a way to BúrHvalur) description at specific moments of the game.

Characters description


Description for the playable character -Sæll- and two NPCs of the game: HimminHvalur and BúrHvalur.

Meeting the lighthouse keeper Screenplay


Meet the lighthouse keeper at night with a screenplay I wrote for my project HimminHvalur. This screenplay is part of the interactive story sample bellow. 

Interactive story of a side quest.


BurHvalur protects the wreck of a war ship players must safely reach to progress. This is an interactive story I designed to recreate the progression and level design of this side quest.


This work is focused on creating a consistant interactive experience where players can freely explore a text world.


Sail the ocean, explore the depths for clues and find a safe way to the ancient wreck. 

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